When Rosa is expected to hand her boss the suntan lotion on a deer hunt, this feels like a sign. Don Reynaldo’s ranch is about to celebrate its farm anniversary, but this passionate hunter’s image is built on a lie. And so, here in the countryside, where men are men, employees are grateful subjects and women diligently and docilely hold it all together, cracks begin to appear i...


  1. 1超能游戏者 2.0
  2. 2大刺客之夺命戈 0.0
  3. 3救婴记 0.0
  4. 4踏遍天涯路 5.0
  5. 5制暴 0.0
  6. 6露梁海战 0.0
  7. 7九龙城寨之围城 7.5
  8. 8疾速追杀3 7.9
  9. 9鼩鼱的巢穴 7.5
  10. 10战心时刻 0.0
  11. 11黑社会粤语 0.0
  12. 12风速极战 0.0
  13. 13追缉 6.4
  14. 14疾速追杀2 0.0
  15. 1522英里 6.0
  16. 16印度狂战士苏亚 3.0
  17. 17西行客栈 0.0
  18. 18扫黑·决不放弃 6.8
  19. 19饥饿海峡 6.0
  20. 20伸冤人 6.0
  21. 21伸冤人2 2.0
  22. 22“大”人物 2.0
  23. 23英雄2019 6.0
  24. 24霍比特人3:五军之战 2.0
  25. 25端溪奇案 0.0
  26. 26龙虎悍将 2.0
  27. 27的士速递2 3.0
  28. 28生化危机 10.0
  29. 29西部英雄约拿·哈克斯 5.3
  30. 30扫黑行动之黄金 0.0