对校园暴力最暴力的回答!高中生Seong jin自杀是很长一段时间,暴力规则/暴力统治校园暴力的受害者后。三年后,他的一个恶霸韩杨毛亮相作为一个名人。Seong jin的弟弟,Seong hyeon责怪自己不认识他的哥哥痛苦虽然发现Seong jin没有自杀,但被杨毛代替汉杨毛死亡的新闻报道评论。Seong hyeon出发去寻找真理暴力规则/暴力统治,他走向毁灭。 The most violent answer to school violence!High school student Seong-jin commits suicide after being the victim of school violence for a long time. Three years later, one of his bullies Han Yeo-wool debuts as a celebrity. Seong-jins brother, Seong-hyeon blames himself for not recognizing the pain his brother went th...