Busan’s representative director Jeon Soo-il’s eight full feature film is set around 'Pink', a shabby bar, and captures in detail the low lives with the director’s characteristic static style. The performance by Seo Gap-suk, who returns to the big screen for the first in over 10 years since [Bongja], music by artist Kang San-eh, and the picturesque scenery of Goon-san beach, complete with the flying seagulls, add make the film an unquestionably memorable experience.


  1. 1神秘博士:普世欢腾 0.0
  2. 2万物生灵:2024圣诞特别集 9.5
  3. 3荒岛求生 0.0
  4. 4志愿军:存亡之战 7.2
  5. 5乔伊卡 6.5
  6. 66888女子营 0.0
  7. 7特工狂花2:蜜桃杀机 10.0
  8. 8胜券在握 6.4
  9. 9望月 8.0
  10. 10震撼擂台 0.0
  11. 11不义联盟:人间之神 4.5
  12. 129秒钟 0.0
  13. 13猎毒者2 0.0
  14. 14好东西 9.1
  15. 15悬棺迷尸 3.0
  16. 16听说2024 0.0
  17. 17勿忘我 4.0
  18. 18鸟2024 7.3
  19. 19大作战 2.0
  20. 20我只是想走走 6.0
  21. 21我和春天有个约会1994 1.0
  22. 22当树倒下 7.0
  23. 23狄仁杰之夺命妖僧 0.0
  24. 24出入平安 6.1
  25. 25洋子的困惑 7.0
  26. 26贝尔斯通之狐 5.0
  27. 27一百零八 5.6
  28. 28春风化雨 2.0
  29. 29错视画的利牙 6.9
  30. 30随身危机 0.0