• 天堂的故事全集观看
  • 天堂的故事

Synopsis:                                                                      My mother dreamed that my late father came back home to see her. She strongly believes that it wasn't a dream.                                                                      Director’s Statement:                                                                      While I was in Japan for researching an Japanese avant-garde film last year I received the saddest phone call from my mother who told me that my father, who had been sick from liver cancer, had passed away peacefully. A few days before he died, I talked to him on the phone and he said, “I want my ashes to be scattered in the forest.”  I replied to him with my tear flows “You will be alright.”                                                                      I didn’t even go back for his funeral. I began shooting this film which I had only an image of ashes and a forest, hoping that this film can cure me of my pain.


  1. 1荒岛求生 0.0
  2. 2志愿军:存亡之战 7.2
  3. 3乔伊卡 6.5
  4. 46888女子营 0.0
  5. 5特工狂花2:蜜桃杀机 10.0
  6. 6望月 8.0
  7. 7震撼擂台 0.0
  8. 8不义联盟:人间之神 4.5
  9. 99秒钟 0.0
  10. 10好东西 9.1
  11. 11胜券在握 6.4
  12. 12猎毒者2 0.0
  13. 13勿忘我 4.0
  14. 14听说2024 0.0
  15. 15悬棺迷尸 3.0
  16. 16大作战 2.0
  17. 17我和春天有个约会1994 1.0
  18. 18狄仁杰之夺命妖僧 0.0
  19. 19我只是想走走 6.0
  20. 20贝尔斯通之狐 5.0
  21. 21一百零八 5.6
  22. 22春风化雨 2.0
  23. 23当树倒下 7.0
  24. 24错视画的利牙 6.9
  25. 25鸟2024 7.3
  26. 26随身危机 0.0
  27. 27出入平安 6.1
  28. 28洋子的困惑 7.0
  29. 29夜鹰的单相思 6.4
  30. 30我爱你菲奥娜 0.0