A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatural powers in curing various diseases. One day, surprising news came. Abah Mulya was found dead, which made Ainun sad. However, the fact that surprised him more was the fact that Abah Mulya was Ainun's biological father. Armed with...


  1. 1豪宅大屠杀 0.0
  2. 2白面包车里的人 0.0
  3. 3吞噬暗夜 9.0
  4. 4圣诞原木2 1.0
  5. 5炼狱车站 0.0
  6. 6地球分裂 0.0
  7. 7猛鬼村 0.0
  8. 8民俗怪闻录之出马仙 0.0
  9. 9隐藏的面孔 0.0
  10. 10杀手密码 0.0
  11. 11圣魇 3.0
  12. 12冰河的诅咒 0.0
  13. 13黑夜幽灵 2.0
  14. 14亡命直播 5.6
  15. 15丧钟已鸣 0.0
  16. 16鸳鸯楼·惊魂 5.1
  17. 17森林恶魔 0.0
  18. 18公寓 1.0
  19. 19无间道2 10.0
  20. 20勿扰警告 9.0
  21. 21 0.0
  22. 22死神来了 6.0
  23. 23守望者:罪恶迷途 4.0
  24. 24人体蜈蚣 1.0
  25. 25三天 0.0
  26. 26闹鬼城堡 0.0
  27. 27布袋人 0.0
  28. 28千万别松手 5.3
  29. 29灵异蓝光 0.0
  30. 30毒娘 0.0